We're now Pagans!

Erbas has now been sold and we've moved onwards and upwards to a Westerly 33 ketch we've renamed "Pagan"

Come and visit our new blog at svpagan.blogspot.co.uk

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Summer Cruise 2015 - Day 4 (Sun)

The London River

The colliermen and coastal sailors of days of yore often referred to the River Thames as "the London River" and amongst their number were a goodly number of my ancestors and relations

So I'd been looking forward to this trip for some considerable time.

We set off from Queenborough in convoy with Sirenia, Sabre and Raven at the optimum time I'd worked out for our best economic speed of about 4.5 knots

It soon began obvious that everybody else was a good deal quicker than us which I felt a bit (but not a lot!) guilty about as they could all have left later

The weather was fairly unpleasant too with rain lashing down for the first two or three hours

We passed through the Thames Barrier in close formation with Erbas in the lead and enjoyed the sights of the river frontage although the murk made for poor photos

Entry into Limehouse was reasonably uneventful despite the almost permanent steep chop on the river, kicked up by the heavy traffic and high speed clipper passenger boats

Alongside in Limehouse...

And a little later we were joined by Gitane

We went out as a group to eat and drink in the evening

It was very satisfying to arrive in London by boat but the weather had made it a bit of an anticlimax.

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