Even I arose quite late this morning. Only just in time, in fact, to catch the dockmaster who pointed me in the direction of the bureau (office) to book in
After a coffee, I duly booked in and paid for two nights and then we set about breakfast.

That was followed by a shower and me coffee for the skipper whilst the purser raided Lidls for supplies and the mate played with the software for the ships computer
Some mirth and merriment was occasioned by the purser returning with a bag of flour rather than the intended bag of sugar!
Then we set off to explore the town. It's a nice enough place but very very quiet. A good long walk quite wore us out and we were glad to return on board for a late lunch and a snooze.

Further raiding parties acquired the necessary sugar and some tea bags before we set off to the bar at the marina for a meal.
That too was nice enough but if I'm totally honest I don't think any of us is overwhelmed by the experience of being in France so far. It's pleasant but then so are lots of places in England!
Gravelines is a bit like Ramsgate really. It's OK, I'd come here again if it fitted my passage plans but I can't say as it would feature on my "must go there again" list
Never the less, it looks like we'll be here for another day anyway because the weather tomorrow isn't looking too good.
I'll blog the detailed debate about plans for the rest of the trip later though
After a coffee, I duly booked in and paid for two nights and then we set about breakfast.

That was followed by a shower and me coffee for the skipper whilst the purser raided Lidls for supplies and the mate played with the software for the ships computer
Some mirth and merriment was occasioned by the purser returning with a bag of flour rather than the intended bag of sugar!
Then we set off to explore the town. It's a nice enough place but very very quiet. A good long walk quite wore us out and we were glad to return on board for a late lunch and a snooze.

Further raiding parties acquired the necessary sugar and some tea bags before we set off to the bar at the marina for a meal.
That too was nice enough but if I'm totally honest I don't think any of us is overwhelmed by the experience of being in France so far. It's pleasant but then so are lots of places in England!
Gravelines is a bit like Ramsgate really. It's OK, I'd come here again if it fitted my passage plans but I can't say as it would feature on my "must go there again" list
Never the less, it looks like we'll be here for another day anyway because the weather tomorrow isn't looking too good.
I'll blog the detailed debate about plans for the rest of the trip later though
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