I didn't get around to posting last night so it's two for the price of one.
Yesterday, I spent the morning faffing around with things that didn't amount to much yet.
Then I nipped down to Burnham to pick up a couple of bits I needed although I couldn't get everything I wanted so that little job is stalled until next weekend to
Whilst there, I spotted my friends Landy in the car park and popped down to say hello. That turned into coffee, which turned into getting their i-Pad working on their WiFi AIS which turned into lunch
Back at Fambridge rather later than intended, I got the second coat of Woodskin on the exterior woodwork. It's looking much much better although it really wants a light sanding and another couple of coats. No time for that now
Then I heated up some chilli con carne and rice before wandering down to the yacht station to see who was about. A quick chat with Patrick on "Orca" established that his new depth head won't arrive until midweek. Whether there'll be time to fit it before we go away is the question
Stopping off at the pub for a pint, just the one, I headed back for an early night.
Today, once the coffee kicked in, was more businesslike. Well, more business anyway!
I started off by making up a Garmin GPS to USB conversion lead and testing it. Shortly after finishing it, the customer was on board his boat and I finished the job of installing the driver on his laptop and configuring his software
He's returning to sailing after a long absence and I'd said I'd pop out with him for an hour or two to hold his hand on his first sailing trial of his little pocket cruiser but unfortunately that wasn't to be as I was waiting on a potential customer to arrive to discuss what they needed doing
They were a little later than expected and by the time we'd discussed and agreed the job we'd missed the tide for a sail (the cheap finger berths are only accessible above half tide)
Back on Erbas for the afternoon, I did a bit of painting of the cockpit seats forward of the locker lids. The seat tops at that spot are where you naturally step getting on and off the boat and the paintwork was looking very shabby
The whole deck needs a repaint really but a rolling programme of touching up the worst bits will have to do for now
With the Fambridge River Festival gigette fast approaching the guitar came out again as it has most evenings of late. Then it was time for a spot of dinner and an evening of distracting myself by posting drivel on Facebook!
Tomorrow is the last day, I've got to be back in Kettering on Tuesday as the car is poorly. I was going to go down to Limehouse to finish a job but I think that might be unwise as I'm concerned about the increasingly dodgy sounding wheel bearing. I think I've got no option but to nurse it home at a steady pace and hope I don't need Green Flag to finish the journey!
That leaves me with something of a dilemma with three outstanding jobs that ideally need doing before we go away and not enough days left to do them. I'll try and work out a solution to that tomorrow!
Yesterday, I spent the morning faffing around with things that didn't amount to much yet.
Then I nipped down to Burnham to pick up a couple of bits I needed although I couldn't get everything I wanted so that little job is stalled until next weekend to
Whilst there, I spotted my friends Landy in the car park and popped down to say hello. That turned into coffee, which turned into getting their i-Pad working on their WiFi AIS which turned into lunch
Back at Fambridge rather later than intended, I got the second coat of Woodskin on the exterior woodwork. It's looking much much better although it really wants a light sanding and another couple of coats. No time for that now
Then I heated up some chilli con carne and rice before wandering down to the yacht station to see who was about. A quick chat with Patrick on "Orca" established that his new depth head won't arrive until midweek. Whether there'll be time to fit it before we go away is the question
Stopping off at the pub for a pint, just the one, I headed back for an early night.
Today, once the coffee kicked in, was more businesslike. Well, more business anyway!
I started off by making up a Garmin GPS to USB conversion lead and testing it. Shortly after finishing it, the customer was on board his boat and I finished the job of installing the driver on his laptop and configuring his software
He's returning to sailing after a long absence and I'd said I'd pop out with him for an hour or two to hold his hand on his first sailing trial of his little pocket cruiser but unfortunately that wasn't to be as I was waiting on a potential customer to arrive to discuss what they needed doing
They were a little later than expected and by the time we'd discussed and agreed the job we'd missed the tide for a sail (the cheap finger berths are only accessible above half tide)
Back on Erbas for the afternoon, I did a bit of painting of the cockpit seats forward of the locker lids. The seat tops at that spot are where you naturally step getting on and off the boat and the paintwork was looking very shabby
The whole deck needs a repaint really but a rolling programme of touching up the worst bits will have to do for now
With the Fambridge River Festival gigette fast approaching the guitar came out again as it has most evenings of late. Then it was time for a spot of dinner and an evening of distracting myself by posting drivel on Facebook!
Tomorrow is the last day, I've got to be back in Kettering on Tuesday as the car is poorly. I was going to go down to Limehouse to finish a job but I think that might be unwise as I'm concerned about the increasingly dodgy sounding wheel bearing. I think I've got no option but to nurse it home at a steady pace and hope I don't need Green Flag to finish the journey!
That leaves me with something of a dilemma with three outstanding jobs that ideally need doing before we go away and not enough days left to do them. I'll try and work out a solution to that tomorrow!
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