It was an odd sort of day. Lots of coming and going, to-ing and fro-ing, and not a lot achieved really!
We had the arrival of barges, smacks and gaffers all day as a major distraction plus the need to move off the pontoon onto our mooring for the duration of the event
Then Jane and I set out on a fresh supplies expedition to Maldon by horseless carriage.
Rik arrived a little later around lunchtime and the next time we looked at the clock it was time for dinner!
Jane cooked us a delicious beef stew and dumplings followed by chocolate sponge cake after which we repaired to the pub by dinghy.
And that was that!

It was an odd sort of day. Lots of coming and going, to-ing and fro-ing, and not a lot achieved really!
We had the arrival of barges, smacks and gaffers all day as a major distraction plus the need to move off the pontoon onto our mooring for the duration of the event
Then Jane and I set out on a fresh supplies expedition to Maldon by horseless carriage.
Rik arrived a little later around lunchtime and the next time we looked at the clock it was time for dinner!
Jane cooked us a delicious beef stew and dumplings followed by chocolate sponge cake after which we repaired to the pub by dinghy.
And that was that!

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