After waking up at silly o clock yesterday, I reversed the trend today and didn't stir until nearly nine
It was a lovely morning, much better than forecast and I cracked on with the last of the sanding and then set about the first coat of Woodskin
The effort was worthwhile, the woodwork looks a million times better already and there's at least one if not two more coats to go on
That done, I set about having a bit of a tidy up but part way through I was distracted by the sight of the boat a couple of pontoons over hauling his anchor windlass down the deck
A wander over and a chat led to my fetching the tools to remove the cover and have a look at its internals. No obvious sign of a reason for it to be defunct so I pointed the owner in the direction of the nearest electric motor menders and we repaired to the bar for a beer
The beer turned into quite a few beers and some grub! There endeth the day :)
It was a lovely morning, much better than forecast and I cracked on with the last of the sanding and then set about the first coat of Woodskin
The effort was worthwhile, the woodwork looks a million times better already and there's at least one if not two more coats to go on
That done, I set about having a bit of a tidy up but part way through I was distracted by the sight of the boat a couple of pontoons over hauling his anchor windlass down the deck
A wander over and a chat led to my fetching the tools to remove the cover and have a look at its internals. No obvious sign of a reason for it to be defunct so I pointed the owner in the direction of the nearest electric motor menders and we repaired to the bar for a beer
The beer turned into quite a few beers and some grub! There endeth the day :)
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